Monday, August 8, 2011

I think i fell in love today D:?

So hi everyone, today i was working in the mall and the most beautiful creature on the planet stepped into my line. It was (as cheesy as it sounds) love at first. here is the dilemma. I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THEM other than i know they work in the mall (i think -_-) are BEAUTIFUL. and have the most stunningly purple hair ever. I dont know they're name, age, i dont even know what GENDER they identify as (pretty sure MtF ), its kinda confusing cause she(i think) is a girl and im gay but im pretty sure she was pre op cause no . the more i think about it (and i cant STOP thinking about her) the less i care, its not just like i want , i have legit fallen for them like want to have relationship O. my problem i dont know any etiquette or how to ask them out start a conversation or anything! the last thing i want to do s creep them out but i want, practically NEED to see them ive fallen hard lol WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!!

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