Thursday, August 11, 2011

My husband ped out during he rufuses to go to the doctors?

Hi my husband and I have been married for 5 years I am currently pregnant with our first child due in September. The other night we were having he was on top of me suddenly he ped out for about a good 10 minutes. I tried waking him up but he didn't respond I was about to call 911 til he woke up he asked me what happened he doesn't remember ping out. This is the first time that happened just last night he was trying to have with me but I stopped him I didn't want to risk what happened a few nights ago again. Today he came home from work he didn't feel good he felt lightheaded I told him maybe he should go to the doctors but he refuse. My husband is stubborn he's only 39 years old he's healthy goes to the gym everyday eats right. I am afraid it might be sort of a tumor his father died of a brian tumor when he was 39 the exact same age my brother is a brian surgeon and and I just want him to be examined I am worried about his health but he still refuses what should I do?

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