Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is the new Schick Hydro 3 a better razor than the Gillette Mach 3 (as in does the hydro give a closer shave)?

I see that the Hydro 3 is cheaper than the Mach 3 and the Mach 3 Turbo. But before I go and try the Hydro 3 I was wondering if it does give a closer shave than any of the Mach 3 razors.

Christian question about divorce and remarriage?

If your "Christian beliefs" didn't keep you from committing adultery, I wouldn't lose any sleep over a divorce and possible re-marriage.

Question on our universe?

An extra solar planet has been discovered in a near circular orbit of the star, rho CrB, which has a similar m luminosity to the sun. The star's reflex velocity is measured to be 64m/s and the planet's period is measured as 38 days. Show that the planet is similar in m to jupiter.

Opinion on my mock draft roster?

I would have went after pitching a round or two earlier. SP's are thin for a 10-team. But I like where you got Anderson. I think Andrus is overrated. I really like where you got Napoli, especially since he will be doing plenty of DHing. I give it a 7/10. BTW what site did you do a mock draft?

1996 Mercury Mystique coolant system need desperate help to figure this one out?

On an old car I used to have, the exact same thing happened and it was the Heater Core, which in the vehicle I had was right behind the firewall. As a quick fix, you could try a bottle of "stop leak" that MAY plug any minor cracks/holes, if you keep smelling it after that, you may need to change out the heater core?.

Police Officer Requirments?????

If you are set on becoming a police officer go to college and earn a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice. The courses required for the Criminal Justice degree will typically be a mix of law and specialized courses covering everything from Investigations to Corrections. Though majoring in Criminal Justice is the typical route for any college student looking to go into law enforcement, you can major in anything that interests you. I knew officers and agents who were hired with degrees like Music, Spanish, Computer Science, even International Business. Most departments seem to like a degree however your chances of getting hired usually depend on how well you do in the testing and selection process rather than what your degree is in. How much will college cost? Depends on the college. If money is tight look into attending a community college for two years and then transferring to a four-year university. Typically it takes four to five years to earn a Bachelor's degree. Two to three years to earn an ociate's. You can usually get hired with only an ociate degree but your chances are much greater with a Bachelor's. Good luck.

Why is it important for gametes to have a haploid chromosome number?

So that when the two gametes join during fertilization, the zygote has the same number of chromosomes as each of the parents. N + N = 2N.

If you had been a British Prisoner of War jailed beside Auschwitz Concentration camp in 1944?

would you have smuggled yourself into this death camp voluntarily in the future interests of research on what was happening there during the latter part of World War 11 ? Is this new book believable?

Why are Dermatology Residencys hard to get?

Why is derm residencies very hard to get into? Out of all the diffrent residencies there is Dermatology is one of the Toughest,,,

How do I handle my 3-year-old's constant defiant screaming?

My 3-year-old daughter has become increasingly difficult and defiant. I know its normal for a child of this age to become very frustrated in trying to show their independence, but her form of temper tantrums have become ALL day screaming "No!" over and over and over, as loud as she possibly can. Honestly someone could easily hear her screams a few houses down, I'm sure. I try putting her in time-outs for misbehaving and this just results in the ear-piercing, blood-curdling screaming the entire time. If I tell her to do something she doesn't want to do, or if I don't allow something she wants, I get the screaming-bloody-murder tantrums once again. I have tried for a while to ignore them, and nothing is changing. I have tried which does nothing but increase the screaming. Nothing has worked. I am at a loss as to how to discipline such a stubborn, defiant, and exceedingly out of control child. She does not behave this way at preschool luckily, just at home. Her behavior is so out of control that very often throughout the day my 15 month old daughter is very frightened by her and will cry a lot. She also pushes her sister if she gets angry, has been "hoarding" toys so that her sister can't pick up a toy and play with it, and there have been a few recent bites, and she has never been a biter before. I am just losing my mind and it's just getting worse all the time. How do I get her under control and get the screaming to stop???

MFS: Why can't we finish?

It's like choking your chicken. You do all that work, and you just want that climax. Not getting the climax sux, and that's what we are missing here. I think it was just nervousness since it was the first game of the world cup; they'll get there.

How do you go about finding an attorney who will take small cases?

for instance a case of trip and fall (case against the county), product liability (tooth whitener product), etc. The attorneys I've known about will only take huge cases because they want to make money, and I can't blame them for that, however someone has to take the small cases too. Who can we approach to do that. For these kinds of cases we do need attorneys to argue the case for us.

What to eat to refuel the body in between games?

I coach a team of 7th n 8th graders who have a 9am game then a game at noon the same day for a tournament. What should I tell them to eat in between games that will not be too filling and will help re-energize them for the later game?

Why ignore parts of the Old Testament?

To say again what you've said would be redundant so I'm concur and agree with what you're preaching.

Why are there no SUPER destructive tornadoes?

Like one that sucks lava out of a volcano and sprays it everywhere? Or an f6 that digs down to bedrock and throws soil and sediment around? Does nature have limits on tornado strength, or have we just been lucky? Will global warming contribute? I've heard it will increase hurricane strength. Imagine the sight. Tornado chasers would reach zen nirvana!

GUYS ONLY: (Latino guys preferably, but any guy over 25 will do) If you have a wife and...?

Hi there how are you? I want to first congradulate on your upcoming 2 yr aniversary. Second I dont know whats going on with your husband because I have been married for 23 yrs to the same woman. We have 3 kids and though she has gained weight but not badly she still looks good. Being a mama has nothing to do with him not wanting . No we dont have as much as we used to but thats nothing to do with her being a mama nor have gained some weight. Its because we have other things in our lives that take priority. And because of the difference in our work schedules which make it hard to make time. If he says he still loves you and tells you that your not ugly keep it at that. Maybe what he is feeling is nothing. Then again maybe it is. But only time will tell. There again you didnt say how old your kid is so I take it your past the time for which one cant have yet after a pregnancy? I know this may not help but for now just let it go. Dont stress out over something that may not mean anything to him. But not to streer you wrong, it can mean something as it does all the time. Maybe he feels different now and just does not want to hurt your feelings. As far as the websites...that I cant explain. I dont have any and dont need anything like that.

Can someone translate this Finnish song to me, please?

it is Uniklubi song, Naiden Tahtien Alla (i know it is spelled wrong but i dont have those letters ae and oe). It is really beautiful, and 'd like to know what do lyrics mean. Kiitos!

Neighbours UK 10th July 08?

Did anybody see the end of Neighbours last night? Was I just imagining something, or could we see Ringo's 'thing' through his wetsuit? Shouldn't the producers have noticed this? Is it allowed pre-watershed?

Don't you think Paco Boy should be odds on for the Lockinge on Saturday?

sorry sir Allen i disagree. i dont think Paco boy has proved he stays a mile . he won a weak group 2 last time out by 3/4 of a length. all his attempts previously he failed miserably and newbury is a stiff track. in my opinion Paco boy is a 7 furlong specialist. but having said that this race isn't that strong either so he may well win it but i wouldn't be rushing to take 5/4 and certainly not 4/6 as you suggest he should be.

When a US Navy destroyer ship is underway for two months (work hours/schedule)?

When a US Navy destroyer ship is underway for two months ... how hectic is the work schedule for first-year Division Officers (O-1 ensigns)? I know it depends on the mission, but let's ume that they are not in an actual combat zone. How many hours a week do they actually work on average when underway? Can they actually take a complete day or two off each week? How about when they are in ports? As a civilian, I am very curious ...

How do I help a young girl who is pregnant cope?

Email her and offer your support. Become her friend and support every decision she makes. I think it was nice of you to do this.

Wasn't it a pleasure to watch Schiavone vs. Stosur?

It was actual tennis, well crafted points, power, finesse, and volleying! Watching power baseliners is like watching paint dry.

Is there any way i can check history on a computer if they were searching the net while incognito?

the concept of incognito and private browsing is that you can browse on the net without anyone knowing what you are doing so there is no record of sites visited on the pc used, however, the ISP can still have records of sites you visit and if you connect to the internet through another computer, you can get programs for that computer to monitor the sites that are being visited.

30 mintues after i smoked dank?

Hah, don't worry about. No matter what you're on, it'll eventually be over with. Also, usually angel dust trips aren't that bad-just weird ahaha. After it's over, you'll know what to expect from it and if you want to do it again.(:

Why would ants die after eating corn chips?

Recently, a small army of ants attacked my pantry and found a bag of chips i had just purchase and just opened the day before. These were a nationwide brand of corn tortilla rounds in a 2lb bag. Just before eating again from the bag I noticed that each chip had a small pile of 20-30 dead ants sort of stuck to the chip and each other. What (kind of) ingredient in a common tortilla corn chip would kill an army of ants instantaneously? any ideas?

I'm not going to do this even if I feel like it, say you were so disillusioned and jaded at this time that?

You'd go up (for example) and tell a kid Santa's not real. Or say in a nutshell, Burst someones bubble. What would that be called? It's just being a jerk right?

Is it normal for swelling to increase two days after wisdom teeth extraction?

yep it is normal, it could turn black and blue too, but no worries the swelling will go down, and the black and blue will go away

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Flashing black spots on eyes?

Yes, that occurs when you look into a bright light or the sun, that's normal, but it's not normal to last an hour and for it to hurt... You could have a stigmatism in your eye. Depending on if you have gles or contacts, they make be irritating the pupil. You also might have very dirty eyes. Every once in a while, clean out your eyes with eyedrops or just clean water.(Perferably eyedrops) I can't tell what it is because I can't see your eyes, but yes indeed a doctor, or eye specialist could when they are with you. Continue to your doctors appointment so they can get a better look at it. Best of luck.

My adult cat had kittens- when is it safe to introduce them to my 4 month old kitten?

She had kittens and I've been keeping her in a room with the door shut so he can't get in, but then Freya (momma cat) can't get out either. When is it safe to leave the door open so both cats can go in or out as they like? Kittens are 2-3 weeks old right now.

This is about stimulus bill.?

why in the hell is the prez.congress, and others involved. giving the indians more money, then helping the homeless who need it more then they do. Don't answer with stupid comments, I don't want to hear how the indians got screwed back in the past. The homeless,more then 60% are vets from wars, that america has let down and has forgotten about.1.5 bill is chump change compared to the full amount, when added up, that the indians get. I think all people involved should be thrown out of their houses and have to live and survive like the homeless do.

I`ve been to visit Talacre in north wales.?

ping through Flint I`ve never seen so many motorist being booked they are even using unmarked police cars do you think its fair to come out in force against the motorist on a bank holiday.

Does anyone have suggestions for a guy that wants to change hair color from dark brown to blond or dirty blond?

So I'm 18 and I am interested in changing my hair color. I am thinking about blond or dirty blond. But I don't want my hair to be really standing out and that is why I am thinking about dirty blond. I am wondering what is the best way to go about this. I have never done any coloring to my hair so this is a huge step for me. If there is any advice or tips on what I should do. Please let me know anything. Thank you. (also no snarky remarks, this is a honest question and i also would like to avoid being called gay for this)


go for it! don't worry about those evil girls at school! self confidence is a big part of performing and since your friends and family think your excellent then you probably are! plus, one little mistake won't make a terrible difference. just make sure you practice! good luck! =)

How can you keep your house smelling fresh? besides glade etc etc!?

my gfs co worker told her she uses 1/3 fabric softer any kind, and the rest water put into a spray bottle, spray it around, and this keeps her home smelling fresh. what do you think any advice? thx! im trying to find some inexpensive ways to keep the house smelling fresh without spending money on all the pricey stuff in the store if possible. i love a good smelling home especially when i walk in the door from work. any ideas?

Harry potter voted hellish show.?

who agrees hogweeds (the devil village)featured in harry potter should be toned down?remember children watch his shows,and may be petrified??????????? and why have they used a 45 year old to play harry?his eyebrows give the game away!!!!!!!!!! ban hogweed and his scarey dwarf helper "moofey"

Quick translation please fo latin?

Vulc de terra dura formam feminae pulchrae sua arte creavit. Minerva ei vestes argenteas donavit. Etiam ei Vulc coronam auream donavit; Iuppiter ei ollam donavit. Dei et deae feminam pulchram amaverunt --erat similis deae. Ei nomen erat Pandora, quod omnes deorum ei dona donaverunt. Dei Pandoram ad terram miserunt. Sed Pandora erat curiosa. Pandora operculum ollae removit. In olla erant tota mala virorum! Mala in totas terras et aquas volaverunt. Eheu! Solum una anima in olla mansit--Spes. Spes *** viris remansit.

Why am I not hungry..........?

Even if you are not hungry, it is dangerous to not eat. If you are feeling sick, and that is why you are not eating, visit your doctor soon. Meanwhile, make sure you are at least drinking all the water recommended and taking a supplement.

My bike wont start! help!?

i have a 205 crf 250x. just changed the oil in it. now it wont kick start. only push start. the spark plug is clean, but the battery is dead. what seems to be the problem??

How am I incubating my eggs wrong?

I have a Little Giant chicken egg incubator with the automatic egg turner, and everything works fine. But whenever I put a batch of eggs in they only develop to a certain point and then the chick dies and im wondering why that is? Because of the placement of the automatic egg turner i cant use the water holders in the bottom for humidity so i am forced to use 1/3 of a wet sponge. I just want to know what im doing wrong so i can hatch some eggs. I also have three thermometers that work fine so i know the temperature is ok. I just want to know whats going wrong and how to fix it.

My dog..............sick?

ok well my friend just took her dog to the vet and the vet said that there was an outbreak of pyro (sp?idk) in dogs in the town i live in.and i went to her house and the vet said that i probably gave it to her dog.her dog is a female teacup chihuahua and my dog is a male terrier dog and her dog have never been in contact other than me touching my dog then touching her dog.i want to know whether anything could be wrong w/ my dog.he is acting normal....and can u tell me the effects of pyro?(once again..sp?idk)

Does anyone know?

or have suggestions on where to get a good deal on a stove in the san gabriel valley or burbank area?

Is anyone obsessed with Logan Lerman as I am?

I definitely agree with you that it is rare to find outgoing, down to earth guys in the acting business these days. I consider myself a Loriginal because I don't like him for his looks but for his talent. I haven't liked him for a very long time but I can tell that I will. I saw Meet Bill and the next day I went to see PJO. I was amazed at how talented Logan is and also at how someone who is so good looking has a personality and a charisma that is so hard to find. I think we have found ourselves a keeper :)

Paint-ball tank fill up?

Alright so I have a paint-ball tank that holds about 4500psi. It is a HPA tank and I was wondering if I could go to a Auto Shop and ask could they fill it up for me?

Why does AFRICAN food stink so bad?

These Africans downstairs be cookin some NASTY SMELLIN stuff! why does african food stink soooo bad-im not the only one that thinks this! (seriously) is it certain herbs or spices they use?

Ok iwas actuve army now reserve looking for job overseas fast?

OK 5 years in the army ineed to get a job overseas fast really need the money kbr takes to long anyone out there know were i can get hired fast looking for firce portection convoy you know army stuff that they pay cintracters way more i know someoe out there knows help me out guys hoooah

Why does the U. S still have a trade embargo with Cuba?

Hey guys. I have just started on my American History ISU and have began to go into the research phase. I was wondering if you would give me your opinion on why the U.S still has a trade embargo with Cuba, and if possible please refer me to books, sites etc so i could develop my own opinion .

Is it true that Hagrid dies shielding Harry and Ron from an ambush, and Hermione dies?

No, not at all. You shouldn't be posting that here anyway. Fans who haven't read it may consider it a spoiler and freak out.

Scam NFL MLB NBA NHL Jerseys Scam?

Why would you buy from an unknown who is 3000 miles away without some kind of protective mechanism (ie: paypal" ) to protect yourself?

What's the easiest way to bring my longboards with me?

I'm moving to New Zealand in a few months, and I have two boards that I definitely want take with me. They're both over 42 inches, so conventional luggage wouldn't work. There's no way they could be considered carry on. Would I have to take off the trucks and wheels and then get everything in a duffel bag? Is that safe? What about airports? Oh man, I'm a mess.

China Honeypots - are you mad for them?

Mine is a pre 1982 SylvaC BumbleBee honeypot (code 5383) in pristine condition are their other collectors for this sort of oddity.

What do you love most about yourself?

I guess what I love most about me is I can appreciate myself. I often stop and think how my parents gave me all these things and thank them silently. I am grateful that I am very good at music and language. I can play a few instruments and know 5 languages already. I am just a teenager, so I am trying to sate my curiousness by excelling at everything ^_^

Why should I be mad at quisha?

it aint her fault dat she thought her car was dat fifi.when it was really a hot mess.and now her and quit keep hittin da block in it and try to act all stank when dey see me.I am only tryin to be a woman about it.Everybody is laughin at dem cause dey got dat lil car sittin on 28s I dont know what make her do what she do.I think fat cat might have put summin in her blunt fo he got put in jail.cause whyelse would she think dat car is fi fi.I still want to be her friend but I dont want to ride inda car wit her and quit

Why all the hate for Crosby?

I don't hate him. We share a first name for cripes sakes. I don't love him, though. I think it was all the hype about how good he was. That was the media, not him, though. Anyone who says he is not good is nuts. I really don't think he will catch up to the Great One, though.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Need some help interpreting poem?

the first one is to deep for me. the second one is self explanatory, growing up in the rough neighborhood

I can't tell if he likes me or not - Im getting hugely mixed signals!?

I met this guy in Cornwall a couple of weeks ago, he was reli sweet. Me, my friend, him and his friend were chilling out at his place. My mate fell asleep on the couch, his mate fell asleep on the floor so he went and got his duvet for us to snuggle under. He held my hand and kept smiling at me, so I kissed him and he kissed me back lots and I felt like a little school kid. Wen we left to go back to somerset where I live, he was texting me reli cute texts saying stuff like 'I hope its not too long till I see you again.' The first week we were Facebooking as he was in France and didnt have a phone and when he got home we continued texting. We had arranged for me to go down and see him the weekend just gone. Everything seemed great until a few days before he sed he didnt want anything to happen and he was sorry if he gave me the wrong impression. I still went down to see him to hang out as mates ... but little things he does are very flirty and I kinda get this feeling something is there even tho he's said it isn't. We were dancing and having a reli gd time this weekend. He told me I was the first girl he had kissed in 6 mnths and I felt reli special. We did go out saturday night and he got very drunk and was snogging his friend. It reli upset me but I don't know what to do. I reli like this guy but my head is all over the place...Please help (and be nice) :(

How do I committ an "almost suicide"?

Are you serious... you need medical help if you would be willing to try an almost suicide because you want attention. Please call 1-800-SUICIDE if you would seriously consider doing something like this. There are much better ways to get attention then trying to kill yourself because then the only attention you will get is at your funeral.

Would someone please review this story please?

Wow! that was really good! I tried to write something like that, but i wrote the other one instead. I like the flow of the writing and how your beginning sentance really grabbed me. In my story, i have a tough time taking out all the I's in the story. Like "I did this and I did that" It gets tangled up and doesn't grab people like you did. I really felt like i wanted to beat up that mean dude myself! oh and you should check out my profile on yahoo answers... I found Barack Obama and he's in my contacts!!!!

Mom just bought a pc camera for me. I'm clueless! HELP!?

So my mom bought this little green and white box w/ a pc camera. at the lower right corner of the box it says Driverless Windows XP-SP2 VISTA. The back of the box explains all of it's features. Once I opened the box, I only found the little camera and the USB cord. Nothing else and no directions. So I plugged it into my computer and a little bubble came from the bottom of the page saying it installed the Vimicro USB Camera (Altair). Well, afterward I had no clue what to do next. I wanted it, so I could be able to chat w/ my friends on oovoo. But I don't know if i'm suppose to install a driver off the web, or if it's just good to go. Please help me get a clue. :)

How can i find out what the name may-kam-tee originates from?

its supposed to be the spirit of positive energy,has something to do with a ritual for omni-cosmic white piilar of light also thr-ro-ten spirit of cleansing power of the universe

Why dont people learn from their mistakes.....?!?

The ability to learn presupposes the presence of a functioing brain. Bush shows no evidence of possessing one.

Pregnant Women and Salah?

She should try and do what she can, she is already doing a fantastic good deed of being involved in bringing a baby into this world with God's permission, He is fully aware of her condition.

Who thinks Fedor will submit Silvia in the first round??

I dont think there is any question about this. Fedor is to good of a sambo competitor. He will just hug Silvia and trip him to the ground and armbar him. It will be great and show that he is still the number one heavyweight in the world!!

Leather or Plastic Jump/Skipping Rope?

Get the plastic jump rope. I have bought the same exact leather one and after 3 days the leather will either snap of or rip of the handle. I have bought those 3 times and it has happened all 3. So go with the plastic. Plus it's weighted so you should benefit from them.

Why restrict a new bikers licence , but not a car drivers?

when there are a few bike fatalities there are shouts of " carnage " in the press . but when an 18 yesr old new driver crashes and kills himself and some of his mates it almost seems " acceptable " this happens regularly . why ? i agree with you . perhaps it is because bikes are perceived as antisocial ?

Have you, at some point in your life, felt extremely disillusioned??

When I was a little girl (now I'm 15), I felt that life was perfect. I didn't have to worry about anything, really. Maybe its coz I'm going thru the whole teen angst thing, but nowadays, it feels as if everything in my life is so far from perfect that it hurts to think about it. My parents, I found out, are not perfect people. They are seperated right now. I found out that I'm not as smart as I thought I was and I wish that I were confident and charismatic, but I just can't be. I also found out that I so do not have a chance of looking like the models and actresses I so admired when I was younger. For one, I'm too short and my face is kinda pretty (not being y), but I definitely am not beautiful. I want to I feel like I'm denying EVERYTHING I have, and taking everything for granted. Sometimes, I really feel hopeless and depressed. Is there anybody out there with a magic wand that can cure my feeling of dissatisfaction with life?

Honda crf 150r or Honda 250r?

I'm 5'5 147lbs and im looking to move up from a cr85rb to a bigger bike. Which bike would be a wiser move?

Fast sports cars for first Car?

What are some good fast, first cars? I want something nice, sporty and fast. I don't want a muscle car as they are rwd and I live in New England.I want something under 5K

How can I get a Car title in Arkansas for a car I have had for 3 months. The guy who gave it to me skipped?

out. I found out it was his car he and his wife were having problems so she gave the car away. But now I find out they did not have a title to the car. They still owe money on it. But the place they got it just keeps giving me the run around. They said since I am not the one the car belongs to they will not talk to me. But I called the police and they turned in Paper work to Rogers Arkansas And Benton County Police stations and they told the car lot they had till Wednesday to get the car out of my yard now it is Friday and they refuse to come get it.So where do I stand at.

Cold war film comparisons?

I'm not sure about the 2nd one but you should choose for one of them Dr Strangelove. It is arguably (I said arguably), the greatest comedy ever made. There is only implied violence but it is genuinely hilarious but while you're laughing you may find yourself cringing too. Look for Slim Pickens when he finally "fixes" the nuclear bomb.

Why do people ume that I haven't read the H/P (Harry Potter) books, when I say I like Cho and Harry?!?

I know Ginny ends up with Harry! I know that! I'm just not a Harry/Ginny shipper! It's just that I like Cho better! And I am a Harry/Cho shipper!

Audio files created using Fruity Loops 7 were very big. Anyways to fix that?

I created a beat (using four patterns) that was about 3:30 mins long. However, the audio file was about 35 MBs. This size seems very abnormal. The average song from a CD or something is usually about 4-6 MBs. Is there a way to make audio files not as large (without cutting the length of the beat or the patterns)? Thank you!

How do i contact yahoo to turn someone in that is harin me?

theres this girl thta keeps harring me & everytime i put her in the iggy bin or ignore list some how she gets out.

How would you feel if this was your fiance?

People please give me your honest (and please don't be mean) opinions about this situation. I'm trying to get input to see if im doing the right thing. My fiance whom I have been dating for over a year now and I are about to get a place together. (Like in four days). I have called the whole thing off. My reason is a girl he has as a friend and has had since the start and that we ve argued about from the start. I can't take it anymore. His reasoning is they've been best friends for ten years and i've tried to respect that. My reasoning is he has slept with her, she does things like call him at 2am and try to buy him presents, and certain ring tones he has set to her (ones talking about are you lonely tonight 'cause i'm lonely to). He says sleeping with her is in the past, they are friends so she wanted to do something nice, and it's just a ring tone i'm trippin. All his friends say she has a thing for him (she has a boyfriend but he is terminally ill) and that he's her back up (her relationship has been four years long. she cheated on her boyfriend with my fiance). He says while that may be true but he doubts it highly he wants nobody but me. While he no longer sees her face to face (that I know of anyways... I have my doubts but I am a little paranoid sometime) and has cut back on the amount they talk they still do things like last night. She called him at 2am because somebodies mother died or she thinks somebody's mom died and she was trying to figure out if Tommy knew who it was. I'm saying though... it wasn't even somebody close to them... we both have to work this morning and I not only have to work all day but have school all night... am I wrong for thinking this was inappropriate and perhaps not her motive for calling? Why did she need to know who ped away at 2am its not like you're going to call the family and send your condolences at that time? Or am I just being overly paranoid about this occurrences and dwelling on the past? I would really appreciate every ones opinions regardless of whether they agree with me or not? I want to know how other people would feel/handle this situation. I know in the end only I can decide whats right for me but i'm still wondering...

Anyone know Greg Jennings status after the blow to the head?

He is fine. He just didn't come back in probably because of precautionary reasons with one of them being because it was just a preseason game and the Packers were not going to take any risks by putting him back in the game and possibly getting hurt again.

Should I stay at this college for this one girl?

stick with the college. Serisouly. Not being harsh. but your education is worth more. Keep in otuch with her still tho!

How can we find eccentricity of a Conic Section?

Check out a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a especially equation (1). I think that almost does it for you. In terms of your equation, it looks like a/b may be = 1-e^2. I'm not sure if that holds if h>0. I don't know how much that messes things up.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Do those who publicly attack children really have the moral high ground?

Almost dropped a tear with that phoney, bleeding heart sob story. (Check the facts.) Use the children. That will win the sheep over every time......they think.

My heart feels like breaking...i feel so depressed...please help me???

ok so i've been bullied for years and the bullies are in my hs now but i barely see them. i feel like all my friends are acting weird around me and avoidin me...i get so paranoid and then they call me weird and think i'm boring and act depressed all the time. there's 1 girl in my cl and she's being an right now suckin up to teacher, actin all cool. knowin everything, and stuff. when every1 was aganist her i stood up for her. now shes ok with every1 but shes being btchy around me and talking to my friends and using them just to get me annoyed. she does the evilest things. top of that i hav a crush on this guy who i think only acts nice when i dress nice. idk how to start a convo with him. i'm so stressed n my grades are going down and i cant keep friendships with my friends. please help i'm breaking down. i'm worrying bout everything.

Sailing organizations -- Which would you advise to become involved with?

America's Cup is a race. In the UK i advise the Royal Yachting oc. but i do not know for USA. Try going along to a local sailing club on an open day and ask them

How Syrians " heroically fought against the nazis"?

Yea but quite a few Palestinians did- bet you already knew that though. Did you also know that the Israeli underground proposed an alliance with the Nazis and offered to attack British positions in Egypt, Jordan and Palestine? (which they did anyway even after the offer was rejected by the Germans)

Does any one have xbox live who lives in kazakstan?

yes I will give you a 1 year xbox live gold membership for your daughter,100 sheep,20 pigs and a young female camel.

Many vaccinations stimulate the immune system by exposing it to what?

D. vaccines are a little bit of whatever virus or disease to help ur body to learn how to protect it self when exposed to it

Do you think Mitt Romney is a robot?

They tell us such technology to make sufficiently advanced cyborgs doesn't yet exist. However, I'm not entirely convinced he's a human, at least like you and I.

Games.exe worm/generic.alo?

Install a good firewall after running a virus scan. More information at a href="" rel="nofollow"

Have a crush on my lawyer. Now my legal case is over. How do I still keep in contact with him ?

yes you should but i think you should ask him out for coffee not swimming.coffe seems like a typical 1st date. So go head gurl and do wat u think is right

Can We All Just Agree That Lil Wayne Is The Ugliest Dude Alive Now?

i agree, he isn't attractive. he's talented though. but the ugliest dude award has to go to flavor flav...he looks like a turd w/ teeth.

Know some good music?

I'm looking for some smooth acoustic music with some sweet lyrics going with them. Or maybe some piano or violin. Also, if anyone knows of any soft accordion music, that would be absolutely wonderful.

She is taking my bestfriend away from me:(?

Tell Claudia about this, or at least that you are worried that you won't get to hang out as much. She's your best friend so she will get it. It's possible that Claudia is just being nice to her or is just making a new friend, not necessarily replacing a best friend. Be careful not to sound mean about Megan, especially since you could end up becoming good friends with this girl as well. There's no saying how many best friends you can have. Most people are lucky to have even one, but if you guys all end up becoming close then it would be wonderful for all of you. So I mean you may just want to give this girl a chance. When you guys are hanging out together suggest doing something as the group of all three of you, the more the merrier. :)

If someone does something incredibly immoral, but is mentally deranged, are they truly evil?

It's funny...historians have been pasting together evidence and studying and yzing footage and some of them are concluding that Hitler may have had Parkinson's disease. I'm NOT trying to play down the seriousness of the atrocities he committed, but what if he really did have a mental illness that impaired his judgement?

I tried to put some wallpaper up. How do I delete it and get things back to the way it was right before that?

I tried to put up some wallpaper from a newsletter I received. It was there yesterday. Today I sign on and see a black screen behind all my icons. And, Crawler is my new opening page. I wand to to go back to yahoo. I really want everything to go back to the way it was before I got so inquiring.


Obama plan is going to bankrupt America before his first 100 days are done, We cannot afford more debt when 1000's of Americans are loosing their jobs on a daily basis. In his plan does he even shows how he intends to pay for all of this, the answer is no. Obama is wanting to add a trillion dollars to the deficit as soon as he possibly can and then he wants to cut taxes basically at the same time, now there is not enough rich people to raise taxes to pay for these to plans and if 10% (and rising) of America is unemployed this will add to the deficit due to less people are paying taxes. The only thing that Obama will accomplish in his first 100 day is ruin America as we know it.

Why does my male cat attack my female cat when she cuddles with me?

For the most part, my female cat is not much of a cuddler. However, occasionally she does like to cuddle up to me. When she does, my male cat antagonizes her and ends up in a little "play fight" with her. He is very much the cuddler. Also, I got them together.

Magic gathering burn deck?

I am building a burn deck and want some ideas for creatures instants sorcery that i would put in one or even maybe a burn deck you have. Person who lists most cards gets best answer. Also how many lands.

For jury selection, can I request to answer all the questions in the chambers?

For the jury selection process, I'd rather not answer all the questions in front of the other potential jurors. Some of the questions can get a bit too personal and even with the basic information I'd like to keep private. Would I be able to request to be questioned in the chambers instead?

Is this an okay diet plan?

You need a snack, try a cup of yoguht. Also make that oatmeal a full cup too. Your gonna flavor your tofu right? I use honey and mix with some rice...yum! Another thing, add a veggie to your lunch!

CPAP for mild sleep apnea?

I was recently diagnosed with mild sleep apnea and was given a CPAP machine by my sleep doctor, who swears that this thing is going to make me feel better. My sleep apnea is very mild so I wake up about 10 times an hour. I have been using it for about a week and haven't seen any improvements at all and unfortunately for me, I have just lost my insurance because of a recent job change and now I don't know if I should buy the CPAP seeing as how I will have to pay for it all myself. Does anyone with a similar, mild case of apnea notice a deference with the machine?

Help on combos and aults in FF13?

I would like to know which is the best Relentless ault combo, and character combo. I am at the point in which Sazh just beat his summoner and does that thing, if you played it you know don't want to ruin it.

Is it odd for a 5/6 yr old...?

to play LBP on Ps3 and be better at it than you? and spend more time playing LBP than on homework? silly question, i know...

My parents dont want to let me out for party in new year eve ,, cause i have an exam tomorrow ..?

if you have an exam STUDY unless you want to spend future New Years serving drinks or being served drinks, the amount of education determines this very important choice before you today!

What are the issues behind the Israeli Palestinian conflict?

I'm just wondering what the issues are between to the two peoples. Who are the aggressors? Who is right? Is it simply the Jewish people against the Islamic people?

My crochet patt shape armholes how do i do it?

patt says sl st across 2ch sps &into the next dc, 2ch 1dc in next 3ch sp, patt to last 3ch sps, 3ch,1dcin next 3ch sp how would i do it when it says patt to last 3ch do i repeat from beginning or do i just sl st in to the next 3 ch

Which is the best mobile among nokia 5235, nokia c5-03 and samsung galaxy pop-s5570?

looking for touchscreen, accelerometer sensor autorotate, 3G mobile within Rs10K. main use is for texting, music and pictures. i have been through the net and come out thoroughly confused. looking for authentic comments from users

A short poem dedicated to a friends..Thoughts?

Heed yourself, the world awaits and it doesn't stop for those that wait! Is that what I read? People often get caught in using extra words, when something short like this says so much. Very nice.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Disgruntled civil servants,why don't they just get a better job?

For one we are not greedy, we only get paid just above the minimum wage, we work hard we don't just sit back all day we work hard and for what to get abuse off the people on benefits. I work in a job centre and i've been attacked with a knife, had bins thrown at me the list goes on.... Why shouldn't we strike for better pay and conditions, if you worked for them you would. Some of us actually like are jobs and don't want to be on benefits!

After UK Visa Refused, what do I do?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Does Mercer Univeristy offer Clinical Laboratory Technology Bachelor's degree?

Either call them or look at their web site or their course catalog-that will give you the most info.

What is a de-facto citizen, and how can I prove I'm not one?

I've recently returned from a 5 month stay within the United States. I realize i'm only allowed to be there for 6 months legally, and also that when I have returned, theres no time limit i have to wait to re-enter the United States. I plan to go for another 5 or 6 month stay, but i've read that if the US Customs and Border Patrol see that i've been in the United States longer than i've been in Canada, they'll ask me to prove that i'm not a de-facto citizen. What is a de-facto citizen, and how can I prove that i'm not one?

Could I become a doctor with my grades?

It takes more then grades to become a doctor. you need hard work, sacrifice and people skills as well as being self motivated to learn and keep looking things up. If you can do this, then apply to med school. If you can't imagine studying the rest of your life, or reading journal articles everyday in order to better take care of people, then don't waste your time, you'll get sued in the first 5 years and will have to quit.

IRS Underpayment Penalty questions?

1 big exception is if you had withholding equal to your last years taxes,. There are exceptions if there was a year end bonus that was paid that caused the underpayment. The penalty can be computed on form 2210, but the IRS will send you a notice and give you about 30 days to pay without additional interest. The penalty on 1400 should be less than $15, but it is likely you had more than 90% of your tax liability withheld or the withholding was equal to last years taxes which negates any penalty.

Anyone ever skied in a really exotic place?

I'd love nothing more than to travel the world skiing, but in weird places like Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, India, Morocco, Lesotho, Greenland, Antarctica... I've got a lot of work to go obviously lol

Wiring two ceiling fan/lights in tandem?

Just install a remote control unit for each fixture. Especially nice if they are in a bedroom. Ours worked great.

On the anime Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne ........?

why does maron the girl that can trasfrom, steal the art work? im a lil confused if she is bad or eveil, because shes collecting the demons but she steals at the same time ..... explain to me please

Was there a court case in real life where........(please read below-not for the squeamish)?

a man broke into a house,held a woman and 3 girls at gunpoint,d them,killed them and took them to a boat where he then disposed of them?


as we all know what type of music she play through but this one I got in my hands was leaked from certain studios in newyork until now I am confused so I uploaded it on my profile to all AVRIL fans they better know her vioce quality to judge through anyway it is sound a great & promising hit if that is true here is the link a href="" rel="nofollow"

Decibles (3) db [WALLED]?

with that amp, maybe 98 db, only cuz its trash.. better amp, have 1 amp pusing each sub, so 2 amps, then maybe 110-130 max

Feel like having 'deep' discussions?

Their are times that you don't want other in your business, be it personal ual or what ever. it is just between them no one else. And yes this is normal, so you can rest ure that you are coming along just fine and you will find the same to be true for you

What vision do you need to be considered for astronaut training?

For the ESA or NASA. I looked all over the internet, but some sites say you need 20/20, and some say that you need 20/150 uncorrected, correctable to 20/20...

A future brother-in-law who won't get motivated?

I really don't understand my future brother-in-law. He graduated from high school,went to Temple University,majored in acting,and he holds a bar-tending degree. He can get a very high-paying career,however he keeps on settling for medium wage jobs like Rite-Aid,Shop-Rite and Arby's. We moved to Harrisburg back in August and he still haven't gotten a job. We are trying to help him but he's just not being pro-active.Instead of calling back for a interview,he is on the computer all day talking to women.I'm going to school to be a RN so me and my fiancee can better take care of his elderly parents(we live with them) and I'm worried that once me and him get a house of our own, then his brother will mooch off of us. I don't mind sharing a house with my elderly in-laws,but does it mean I have to put up with my 27 year old brother-in-law who won't do something with his life or move out? How can I get him motivated?

Should I Get a Gas or Electric Water Heater?

My gas hot water heater is 30 years old works great still no problems never run out of hot water and have hot water even when the power goes out. love it .may be more expensive to install but may be cheaper in the long run. during huricane, we went without power for 12 days but could still cook and take hot showers.

I can't access my important e-mail adress and can not remember one of the qustions is there a way to get it ba?

I've had the email adress since 2008 and I cannot remember the pword I also can't remember one of the questions to get my access back. I used a friends email account to start that one and I do not speak with her anymore. Is there anyway I can get access to that account. I have all my important emails going to that adress! Please Help!??!!?!?

Can i travel to mexico with a bosnian pport and a green card?

r u out of ur mind?????? what for u want to come to mexico!!! ist a piece of crap country, believe me i been stock here for soooo long!!!! go to USA or australia dude the worst shite u can done in ur life is to come here!!!!

Should I take an AP test?

The AP test is the test that basically gauges how well you know the material. It is required that you take an AP test if you took the corresponding AP course. You can also take an AP test without taking the cl, but this means you have to self study the material at home, on your own. Many kids who choose this p don't p the AP exam. In an answer to your question, yes, do take AP cles, try to take at least one next year. It definitely looks a lot better to colleges.

Does anyone have the Graco Quattro Tour Deluxe Travel System?

i have one of these and i feel the same way, but w/ the car seat being snapped into the stroller. i can lift the bottom up. my advice would be to take it to AAA or wherever they do the specialty installation of car seats. that way you'll know if it's OK for sure.

On One Life to Live...?

I think her or Tina or Caitlin. It is anyones guess right now. I think more likely though we can count Tina out of the list b/c I don't know why he would have her, his big vendetta is agasint John so it has to be one of the women he cared about.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Have my parents gone crazy?

Your parents are right. You may think they photo is funny, but as an outsider looking at it, it does make you look cheap, and my attract the wrong sort of attention to you and your Facebook page. As you have no control over who sees your photos over the internet, you should be aware that there are a whole bunch of crazies out there who might see your photo in a way that you don't. Take it off Facebook.

Minimalist poetry recommendations?

I would like to learn more about minimalist poetry. I figured I should start with Raymond Carver. Any other recommended authors?

Why are lads so complicated-they say one thing and do another..grrrr?

Id be annoyed too but that's not trusting him and jealousy ... if you did something to make him not trust you but you made things work then the past is just that so he should know not to go shopping with this girl if your both together unless the girl is a good friend of his then that's different. Group trip sounds cool if you can organise it that way. x

How to change the type of guys I look for?

im in high school right now, and typically i have crushes on the guys that go after the popular girls. I really want to start being more interested in guys who have better personalities and are much more genuine, but are more reserved or shy or....ya know...not as popular per se. I'm short, a little chubby but not very, and i have a girly, earthy type of style(if any of those things make a difference). I really want to start crushing on better guys, so please help :) how do I find a good, genuine, but maybe more reserved guy? thanks so much

Why are the wages terrible in florida?

Cost of living. You could always move to California and make minimum wages of $7.15 or somethink like that and pay $1,000.00 rent for a one bedroom apartment.

Am I Celiac? I have a lot of symptoms but would like to know for sure.?

I exercise 30 minutes daily and have been diagnosed with depression, thyroid disease, asthma and I keep gaining weight.....90 pounds in 10 years. I've had painful canker sores for years that refuse to go away; mood swings; gas after eating; floating stools; edema that won't go away. Belly is quite swollen. I asked my primary to test me for Celiac and she decided to p me off to an allergist instead.....which I can't get in until March.

Atheists, what are some of the good things about being dead forever?

Knowing that I have a finite life makes life more fulfilling if I do good things for humanity. It gives life purpose.

Would you p the blame?

You aare over a friend's house playing a Wii on his very large, very expensive HD TV. There are three of you playing. The TV's owner excuses himself to go to the restroom, leaving you playing with Pepe, who happens to be mute and illiterate. At this time you accidentally let your controler fly into the TV, destroying it. You don't have the money to replace it. A brilliant idea strikes you: You could very easily blame it on Pepe. He has no way to defend himself. Would you do it?

Please help girl boy love prom?

ook i trick you i wanna know how to earn monney my mom the kind who stired so no crazy idea anyway what things could i do to earn money things around the house

Is anyone looking for a hospitality job in either Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale or WPB? If so, check this out....?

I am hoping to work for the Patrick Duffy Fan Club Home page, so sorry, I'm not really looking for a job in the hotel industry. You ought to check it out though: it has a lot of great features.

Webcam questions/help wanted?

The hissing may be from the speakers playing while you are recording. Try turning the speaker off while recording. As far as the delay that would be in the settings somewhere can't help with that because I do not have the program in front of me.

IDA funny or what?

What with Graham Norton looking for nancy all the time and the faces that Lord Webber pulls, don't you think it's the greatest comedy on TV at the mo

Killer whale vs bull elephant seal in less than 10 feet of water?

The elephant seal would never attack an orca, they very rarely attack polar bears that routinely eat them.

Hey =) I'm a singer with a teensy problem!?

well don't keep singing and put strain on your voice,im a singer my self and i almost lost my voice doing that,go on a vocal rest

Why didn't I get high?

I smoked a blunt of really good stuff. purp and bubba kush and for some reason i didnt get any higher than i normally do. i smoke a lot and didnt notice a difference. it smelled dank and looked great w crystals but i had the same type of high

How do I import neon text pictures into Windows Movie Maker?

Okay so I made a whole bunch of pictures with neon text in them with photoshop cs3 and it was saved as .psd and when I try to import it into Windows Movie Maker it won't import it says that file isn't supported and if I try to change the name of it, it says that the file is corrupted or something and it won't open.. can anyone please tell me what's wrong or how I can get it to import?

How do I check a file for viruses that I am downloading?

It's an executable file. I'm downloading javascript and it says there could be viruses. How do I check it for viruses?

How do you deal and be tolerant with a friend who acts like a spoilt child?

I'm sure you must be one of her few friends is she is as "twatty" as you say. You could do her a favour by sitting her down and telling her exactly how she is - it might lose you one friend but it will help her for the future

Are there any roles for 14 year old girls in Fiddler on the Roof?

Well, Chava, who is a main character, is about fifteen. And Shprintze is twelve, but her part is not very big.

Is there any reason why a simple wood box would not make a good compost heap?

A wood box will be fine, but make sure it has some holes near the bottom and top for ventilation. No need to put a bottom on it if it just sits on the ground. Also realize that since wood's biodegradable, eventually the box will turn into compost too!

Problem Solving Problem (The Engineer) Can Anybody Answer this Question?

Three businessmen - Smith, Robinson, and Jones - all live in the Leeds-Sheffield district. Three railwaymen (guard, stoker, and engineer) of similar names live in the same district. The businessman Robinson and the guard live in Sheffield, the businessman Jones and the stoker live in Leeds, whereas the businessman Smith and the engineer live halfway between Leeds and Sheffield. The guard's namesake earns $10,000 per year, and the engineer earns exactly one-third of what the businessman living nearest to him earns. Finally, the railwayman Smith beats the stoker at billiards. What is the engineer's name?

Where does magic come from?

I need to get a hook up for some magic for a very special party this weekend. I have unable to procure any amount what so ever at all on the internet or here in my very small American hometown. Do you know where I can get some?

Will they total my car?

They will total the car if the dollar amount of the damage is 75% or more of the REPLACEMENT value of the car. Your purchase price of the car should NOT be an issue, it is the replacement value. You could have bought the car from a friend that sold you the car cheep and could never be replaced for that amount.

Do you think opposites attrack??

ok like this guy i usta go out w/ is kinda shy and is funny and is kinda quiet...and he's now going out w/ this loud party girl whos kinda a you think opposite attrack and should go out?? cause liek this couple i dont think but some times others i do.

Could someone with Excel open this file and tell me what it says please?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

CHEM HELP PLEASE? Whats not a colligative property for a solution?

Colligative properties of solutions are properties that depend upon the concentration of solute molecules or ions, but not upon the identity of the solute. Colligative properties include freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, vapor pressure lowering, and osmotic pressure.

Now that Ryan Howard is heating up, how many home runs and RBIs will he end up with?

He is now hitting over .200 for the first time in the season and has hit 3 home runs in the last 2 games...

What is Death's excellent Vacation by Charlaine Harris About?

I saw the book on her site but i couldn't find a description. And also does anyone no when the 11th Sookie Stackhouse book will be out?

Is Billy Ray Cyrus going to put Obama girls on Hannah Montana?

On Time magazine, they said the Cyrus is trying to put Malia and Sasha Obama on Hannah Montana is that true?

Friday, August 12, 2011

What is the correct term?

What is it called when a person believes that when you die, that is the end? Death means non-existence. I believe that this a form of Nihilism, but is there a specific term for this particular belief?

What is best aerosol flea fogger?

We have had a problem with fleas and was wondering what is the best aerosol flea fogger I can get? Already bought Advantage fot the animals, just want to make sure we get them all.

Do you believe nice guys finish last?

and do you believe that a nice guy can try to change where he starts being more of a guy that can say no and not go along with everything. in other words not be agreeable all the time and be stubborn, etc?

Who do you want to win today, Murray or Nadal?

What a ghastly choice, rather like choosing between having leprosy or malaria. A vile, foul mouthed sociopath (Murray), against an obnoxious, disrespectful cheat (Nadal).

Why do woman get disappointed in themselves or others when their birth experience is not what they expected?

i'm on modified bed rest and bored and I figured i'd ask a burning question i've had for a while now. I've always been the laissez-faire type ( go with the flow). I didn't spend much time doing up a birth plan for my first baby as I knew that i didn't know what would happen and I would make my decisions as I went. That coupled with my trust in the fact that Medical personnel have experience and training that I don't, I figured I could trust their opinions and if needed voice my concerns. Anyways, I figure the end goal is the same for all moms, to have a healthy baby and I guess I wondered why some woman have such intense feelings about birth. This post isn't meant to belittle anyone that has those feelings just so you all know.

Is there any pet insurance available that will cover congenital conditions?

My dog is healthy (1.5 years old) but he is a labrador retreiver and I am worrying that he might develop a congenital condition in the future. I don't want to pay monthy for insurance if they won't cover him if say- he was diagnosed with hip dysplasia or something of the sort. Does anyone know of anywhere that covers a dog no matter what breed or what that breed is prone to developing?

Im Puerto Rican Honduran Arabic Right But Thing Is Im Really White I Have Redish Brown hair With Hazel Eyes VV?

How Come I Have Those Particular Features When Im That Kind Of Nationality ? I Dont Have Black Hair (Well I Do Now I Dyed It) Nor Am I Tan I HAVE FRECKLES On Top Of That!. I Dont Understand? I Mean I Dont Question My Nationality I Just Wonder How Come?

How did Windsor Spitfires' captain Mickey Renaud die?

Renaud died back in February on Family Day weekend, but I was never clear on what was wrong with him that caused him to collapse and die at 19. Does anyone know?

Has Anyone read King Lear?

In Act 1 does Lear act in a foolish and short sighted manner.. Please help me come up with come points.Thanks!

Why are many Americans so ignorant regarding the racial term White?

They are quick to defend Jews,North Africans & Middle Easterners and identify them as "White" while at the same time refer to all White southern Europeans(Portugal,Spain,Italy,etc.) as "less" White or "mixed" race people! I guess the Jew controlled U.S.A. country is doing a great job in brainwashing the few pure blooded Whites(non Jewish White Americans that are of pure European ancestry)that the Jews,North Africans & Middle Easterners are "their" people. All Whites of Europe(regardless of European country of ancestry)belong to the same race which is White.As true Whites that we are we must be united and not allow non Whites to contaminate true racial facts,Just remember as un united Whites we will perish & fall defenseless against a consciously anti-White "rainbow coalition" that aims to bury us all.

Physiology lab question?

Explain how changes in sympathetic input during exercise modify TPR. In general, what vessels vasodilate during exercise – what receptors mediate this process? In general, what vessels vasoconstrict during exercise – what adrenergic receptors mediate this process? What is active hyperemia?

Does catback exhaust brand matter?

I'm looking to install a catback exhaust on my 03 WRX and I don't know if I should go for the name brands such as HKS, Cobb, Magnaflow, etc. or just go for a generic 3" SS system. I understand it all pretty much works the same, but I don't need it to be too loud, I just need it to complement the CAI, but I want it to last a long time too and fit like a glove.

Should Eagles Coach Andy Reid Stay or GO?

He should go. as an eagles fan hes always never been a clutch coach. he good until the game is close late then hell make bonehead mistakes. Thats ok cuz u win some u loose some. But this season he's really been goin crazy. I dont know if its his family issues or he's just done with the rigors of football. but hes been coaching bad this season. he can only coach well when it's a bad team. but in that division u have to at least be able to keep up with good teams. he needs a leave of absence if not fired.....just to clear his head. A coach should be not just a leader but a motivator and he really hasnt been either this season. U see him in games he seems bored or maybe tired. he needs a vacation then come back. Im trying to get into coaching ive seen it happen waaay too much players dont get to see family that much but coach are away much much longer.

Is there anywhere I can send a picture of a turtle in and find out what kind it is?

I have a turtle that I found in my yard two years ago. We first thought it was a baby snapper but now we think it is something different. I searched the web before looking for a turtle that looked similar but we couldn't really find anything. We did find one sort of but now I can not find it. i would love to know what kind of turtle I have. Maybe someone knows a place I can send a picture to so I can have an expert on turtles look at it.

1o point question. Easy.?

I think it sounds good. I would go for a small town setting, something rural, not suburban. Ooh, she should live alone in a really old house with a turret in the woods in North Carolina! Or Maine. Or Virginia. Basically, a small town environment in a place with woods that you know enough about to write a decent story line about it. Anyway, it sounds like a lovely story. Have fun writing it!

Is Monday the 11th (Reality), The new Friday the 13th (Movies)?

I think it's coincidental that they both fall on the same day and no I don't think it's the new Friday the 13th. Tragedies can happen any day.

Please read my poem and tell me if it's any good?

Yes, here's some advice. Quit posting your age every time you post a "poem". Are we supposed to be less impressed had someone older wrote the same thing?

Why have my friends been ignoring me since I told them that my friend was killed?

I am worried they think that I am being self-indulgent by telling them about this or something. I don't know, I just feel really sensitive about it. I told a few of my close friends by email and no one has responded after two days.

Can computer science undergraduate go for masters in creative writing (MFA) in US?

A lot of schools have MFA programs (too many to list here; try doing a search), and most of them won't disqualify you because of your undergraduate background, as long as you've taken some English courses. But your portfolio will need to be even more outstanding than the already highly competitive entries from native speakers who've had an undergraduate focus in the subject, and you're really going to limit your options if you refuse to take the GRE. (If you did so well on the TOEFL, I'm not sure why you'd refuse anyway.)

Will my dress shrink?

so i bought a dress at new york & company last weekend. and i havent washed it, or dried it yet. i want it to shrink a little. but not a ton. this is the dress do you think it will shrink alot? if so, how much?

Beginner runner and knee pain?

First of all I want to start out by saying that yes I am overweight by about 65 pounds. I'm a female 26. So I made the decision 3 1/2 weeks ago to get healthier for not only myself but for my children as well. I changed my diet and began exercising. When I was younger I was very physically fit. Ran 4 miles daily and biked 4 miles daily. I also played soccer for my high school. I was so active that I got Osgoodshaluters disease, common in teen athletes. Well when I began going to the gym a few weeks ago I began with the tredmill and bike. I would warm up for 5 minutes and then jog for 1 minute and walk for 2 and I would alternate the two for 20 minutes then 5 minute cool down. Then I would get on the bike machine for 15 minutes, also with a 5 minute cool down. I didn't want to overdue it right at the beginning. Well I very quickly built up a stanima and increased my running daily to 2,4,6,8,10 ect minutes at a time...Now in 3 weeks I can run for about 18 minutes non-stop at about 7.8 MPH....Well Monday I guess I pushed myself a little to far and I ran for an hour at 8.5 with only one walking break of 4 minutes. My knee wasn't hurting at all while I was in the gym and I felt GREAT when I left...It was the next day I woke up and couldn't really walk, straighten my leg fully and bare weight. I have perscription IBprofin 800mg and I've been taking them to help with the pain and the swelling. I have been going to the gym everyday but I did take yesterday off. Today I did go and my knee was hurting, but I pushed through the pain and the pain eventually stopped but came quickly back about an hour after going to the gym. The pain is on the inside/left side of my right knee. Not sure but I think that's the MCL?? My question is should I push through the pain and continue, or how long should I stay off it?? Also what do you think the problem is? Overuse, or maybe a serious injury? I know you're not DR's but maybe some of you have had a similar experience....Any suggestions would be great!!! Thanks in advance

Sports memorabilia?

My dad keeps on telling me how my cards are worth something from childhood.Well,I went over some are they are in terrible shape.He tells me how a Tedy Bruschi card, is worth 40 Bucks. I tell him,no sir way.

Do you like my idea of the FC Bayern Munich starting lineup?

yeah its perfect i bet i would work way better than Klinsmann's i don't really like his its not a 100% effective but im glad its been working lately but im still not convinced of him as coach and back to the lineup i think Z� Roberto should be in also to use him in his rumored to be the last year in the Bayern Munich.

Earwigs in bedroom/living room!?

Ok I am only 12 years old and in the past 4 days I have killed 6 earwigs in my room.Yesterday morning I woke up at 5:30 a.m. to find that a earwig was crawling across my arm.I went downstairs in the living room to find that there was ANOTHER one on our table.Today a pest control guy came and sprayed my room and our back door but obviously it isn't helping.My step-dad killed three earwigs on the ceiling in only 2 minutes so now they must be going downstairs.I think they are coming from the air vents but I'm not sure.Somebody please tell me what to do.Im terrified of these things and I can't even sleep at night.

Rate these names?????? Thx(:?

i like all the boys names but not too much the girls names. i go to school wit people who has all the chick names and i hate every single one of them

Any suggestions for reusing an old bicycle helmet, please?

I was going to suggest putting a plant in it.What's wrong with it being unique far better than being attractive in my eyes. Anyway it could be both.

Do you like these names?

Very nice. I love, love, love Sophie Anne, Charlotte Claire, & Seth Andrew. I don't like the 'h' in Morgan, though. You don't need it.

Why do guys not approach beautiful women?

Mostly because we are intimidated by beautiful women and we want the beautiful women to make the first move. We don't want to run the risk of being shut down in public and embarred in front of everybody or making a terrible first impression, ruining our chances with the girl.

Barcelona looking at U-17 Mexican midfielder Julio Gomez?

Whoever has his card (Chivas most likely) better let the kid go asap...that's like Neymar going to Real Madrid it is better to be done sooner when the player has caught Europe team's eyes than later when it could be too late

Do you think this recipe sounds good or do you know a recipe that has poached eggs in it?

Go to There is a chef that submitted his video to get on the show where he made the perfect poached egg. I watched it 3 times and now I can make a perfect poached egg - it is awesome!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Question guitar tone? having problems?

i recently purchased a epiphone les paul Standard.. and it seems to be lacking the tone im looking for..its brand new so i now it doesnt have something electrical wrong with it.. my amp is a peavey vypyr 15w..and well on most of the amps settings it just sounds dead and non responsive..iv tried using a distortion pedal and its not much my amp bad? or just a low quality amp.. i feel very disapointed in it and want to improve my sound!

Is it possible that my ears are too small for double cartilage piercings to look good?

I suppose it is possible when it comes to opinions. But if your anatomy allows for it, then no, not really. It just depends on how you think it looks, and if it suits you personally. If I were you, I would get two magnetic earrings, or the little clip on fake hoops. Put them where you want the piercings, and check it out. Wear them for a few days, and if you like it, then do it. If not, then forget it. If you are low on cash, you could draw two dots on your cartilage, or use little stick on gems or whatever you can find to create the look of piercings. As far as the other piercings you have on your lobe, I don't think it matters. At least not in my opinion. I think they go together well. Plus, you could always take out the lobe piercings; one, two, or all three of them if you wanted the cartilage more. It's all up to you! Hope you figure out what works for you. Good luck :)

Can a musical note really set off a bomb?

This is random & probably not exactly p.c. but is it actually possible that a musical note can trigger a bomb? I've watched both the movies Eagle Eye & Get Smart and in both films, the villain plants a bomb (at a concert) which will be detonated when a certain note is hit at the end of the song. Does it have something to do with frequency? I don't really know but I'm just curious =]

What do you think of the wildcat offense?

if the wildcat is so affective than why don't other teams use it? i hear other teams r installing it like the eagles

Girls please help me!! Very short eyelashes, need good mascara!?

Hmm No.7 Extreme Length Mascara is really really good, it's the best one I've ever used anyway, but I do have long eyelashes *bats eyelids* hah

Yu gi oh card rulings?

if i activate magical dimension and tribute (not destroy) a fortune lady light does fortune lady lights effect activate?

I am dong and want to join nda after that .is there any scope for girls in this filed.plz help me?

You will become an engineering Graduate,you do not have to go to NDA to join the Army.You can get Short Servise Commission with your Engg degree.Write to army Headquarters at New delhi.

Question for Mormons?

I am a decan and I want to wear a cool microbe tie I found on this website but I'm afraid it will be inappropriate to wear while ping the sacrament.

Indiana Jones Chrystal Skull question: (Spoiler alert)?

When the Cate Blanchett character finally "sees" the truth from the alien, what word does she say before she vaporizes?

What do you mean by WORLD IS FLAT?

WORLD IS FLAT is a book written by Thomas Friedman , but what do you mean/understand overall by these words?

Who songs this?

soo......everybody gone to war,but we dont no wht we'r fightin fooooorrrrrrr.......dont tell me its a worthy cause"

Would this gun & ammo kill someone at close range, i need this for a story im writing?

Yes it would. Any gun can kill anyone at close range, even a .22. the "spcl" stands for special as in ".38 special". Good luck with that book, if that is really the purpose of your question. If it isn't, put the gun down.

If Christianity was quickly accepted by most civilizations in ancient times,is it another proof it may be true

It has enjoyed considerable status as the dominant religion in Ukraine since its acceptance in 988 by Vladimir the Great. Many Maori ppl promptly accepted it as their main religion since its introduction by European missionaries. If so many laypeople wholeheartedly decided to stick to it does it mean there must be some truth to it?

I need an advice about shoes... Only for people who knows how to wear with cl please...?

sorry i have no idea about shoes, you can wear black color shoes.but i can give you suggestion about rolex watches that one of my friend bought brand new rolex watch from a href="" rel="nofollow" ,he purchased online and at very reasonable price.

My husband ped out during he rufuses to go to the doctors?

Hi my husband and I have been married for 5 years I am currently pregnant with our first child due in September. The other night we were having he was on top of me suddenly he ped out for about a good 10 minutes. I tried waking him up but he didn't respond I was about to call 911 til he woke up he asked me what happened he doesn't remember ping out. This is the first time that happened just last night he was trying to have with me but I stopped him I didn't want to risk what happened a few nights ago again. Today he came home from work he didn't feel good he felt lightheaded I told him maybe he should go to the doctors but he refuse. My husband is stubborn he's only 39 years old he's healthy goes to the gym everyday eats right. I am afraid it might be sort of a tumor his father died of a brian tumor when he was 39 the exact same age my brother is a brian surgeon and and I just want him to be examined I am worried about his health but he still refuses what should I do?

Illegal to tell a gay joke?

eventually it will be illegal to smile because smiling might offfend some 'differently mooded' individual and cause him/her/it to have a reduction in 'self-esteem'...when that day comes, please promise to sneak up behind me with a cinder block and bash in my gourd...

What is this this PSX Game?

i used to play it when i was really young, you basically fly a plane around and drop bombs and shoot missiles. You can drop carpet bombs, but thats about all i remember :/

Got a new Ipod looking for some new bands/music?

I like the old john mayer, never shout never, Ingrid Michaelson, Greg laswell, less than jake, reel big fish, kings of leon, the bird and the bee, jack johnson, travie mccoy, slightly stoopid, RX bandits, KT Tunstall, caitlyn crosby, the postal service, matt and kim, death cab for cutie, lily allen, streetlight manifesto, Shwayze, all time low, etc :) <3 hope it helpsss

1994 Buick LeSabre with 180,000 miles on it?

I have a very nice 1994 Buick Lesabre with a 3800 tpi engine which has a rod starting to knock in it. Is it possible to remove the oil pan and replace the bearings on the bottom end without pulling the engine?

What are some good dubstep screamo songs ?

Or deathstep, dubcore, substep or what ever it is known as, something like sleep with one eye open - bmth tek one remix. does any one know any good bands or songs ?

If for some faith is enough, then why did Jesus spend his time on earth preaching.Did the preachings have....? meaning or were unessential. If Jesus's 12 apostles had some flaws in them as some say, why did he entrust such a big responsibilty of spreading the gospel on them. Would not the all knowing Jesus the Son of God himself find the right people? Why did he as they say reappear to Paul but let his 12 apostles get executed? If the 12 apostles were at the Last supper and Paul wasn't then why not even one of the 12 talk about it or introduce that liturgy of bread and wine but Paul did although Peter was the rock? Why did the Bible the inerrant word of god raise so many contradictory questions?

How can I dress to look y even though I have small and a childlike body?

Try appeciate the fact you have a slender, childlike body as you can work more fashions than girls with real curves and bigger busts! Your body can probably get away with most styles of clothes and can be just as y (if not more so) than curvier or bigger girls. (: If however you want to give the impression of having more curves, wear bell shaped/full skirts or a waist-high pencil skirt with a wide waist-clinching belt. Halter neck tops (and bikini's) will create an illusion of a bigger bust (if that is what you want). Also, tops that have strings to tie around your waist and tops that clinch in will make you seem curvier (: Finally, though, iness is being individual, confident and loving yourself.

My friend wants a breather?

So my freind (girl), thinks that we need a breather because my personality is apperantly annoying, but i act just as anyone does at our school, I even asked all my other freinds and they say I havn't done anything wrong at all. So she says she wants a breather before she thinks one of us is going to snap. Now I am an easygoing person, and i love to make freinds and nobody ever seems to have a problem with me other than her, and she does seem to have these mood swings and all but everyone who hangs around her just ignores them, also I apologize alot to her which I think I don't have to, and either do my friends because I never do anything wrong she just takes everything to personally, so before our freindship is on the brink of disaster can anyone help!? shes one of my best freinds and I don't want it to end (I'm 15, shes 15, and were both girls)


I need some ideas for a low budget Great Barrier Reef themed Engagment party. The set color is Royal Blue with accents of bright yellow,red and orange.I need to find away to potray the vivid and magical color of the australian coast with out fishbowls or any seashells. I m trying to turn a campground pavilion into the carl reef with out heading overboard and tacky. PLEAS HELP.

Decorating Help for a Beige Living Room?

I would choose some wall art. With the colors that you already have, there are a lot of color options that you can use to liven up the place :) Try Do a search for what it is that you like.

Can you where soft contact lenses in a pool?

i have had contact lenses for 3 months and i am going to a pool for the first time this yer. Can I swim with contact lenses? Should I just where gogles, or should i jsut go without my contact lenses today? By the way i'm nearsighted (i cant see far away) Left:-2.0 Right:-1.75

Science Fair Experiment!?!?! HELP!!?

I need 3 ideas for my Biology Honors 9th Grade Science Fair. They need to be experiments ( trials ). Like with IV and DV, Constants, Hypothesis, Title, etc. I just need 3 very good ideas. Not things like using paper airplanes or plants. THX!!! BTW I go to Fairfax High School in Fairfax, VA if that helps at all.

Why is the U.S. able to keep people in "Gitmo" without a fast and speedy trial?

guarenteed by the constitution? ... and if your answer is "because they're terrorist", first off i will be able to tell that you are a republican and live somewhere in the southern states, or have migrated from there, and secondly that is like saying "because he stole something" about someone suspected of stealing something... everyone is innocent until proven guilty to make sure the person is guilty before putting them through the penal system.

New Year Gift to Criminals?

Dear friend I partially agree with you that this amendment may benefit the proclaimed offenders/criminals but as the criminal law of the land is 'an accused is innocent unless proved guilty' we cannot call all the accused as criminals because the accused become criminal when the court find him guilt of committing an offence,then one can call him criminal not otherwise. Secondly one thing which you did not notice in this amendment will be great help to all those husbands & their parents against whom their wives make false F.I.R for dowry & cruelty under the Dowry Prohibition Act & section 406,498A Indian Penal Code etc. Although the punishment for the offence is maximum for 3 years but since these are cognisable,non-bailable offence,the accused parties were being arrested by the local Police & then produced in the Court for further proceedings with regard to either their remand or bail as the case maybe. Now at least these victim of false dowry/cruelty criminal complaints will not be arrested like other proclaimed offenders & will have dignified appearance in the police station & the court. Think this amendment in the Criminal Procedure Code from this point of view.

Why is biking on the road so dangerous? Or do I just have bad luck?

I have been hit twice riding my bike to school in the past month. The first destroyed the back wheel on my bike and the driver sped off. The second one happened today while I was crossing a street IN a crosswalk. I am very lucky in the fact that I have been uninjured in both accidents. Has the dmv started issuing crack to California drivers or something?

Which of these books should I read first?

Pride and Prejudice, The Picture Of Dorian Gray, The Scarlett Letter and Love in the Time of Cholera! I've read them all.. you'll enjoy (:

Is it possible to swap 2 fish tanks?

my 30 gallon tank is a bit crowded and my 55 gallon only has a few fish in it. the only prob is the 30 is an african cichlid tank w/ lake malawi salt in it. is there a way to effectivly swap tanks without killing or stressing anyone out?? (the 55 gal is a FW community tank)

Y@r, mateys! I have a whale of a question. Shiver me timbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Happy Pirate Speak Day...oddly enough they're all the same person. You wouldn't know them matey. LOL Could think about having you walk the plank, game?

Do you have the mind of a warlord?Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

I seem to see everything in life from an almost purely ancient or modern military perspective. I love the tactical prowess of the horse archer but still never dismiss the power of the heavy infantry. My understanding of modern warfare and sustainable economies and combat is extreme. As a consequence to this I have never been the usual light headed kind of lets just get along fun guy to be around. I am always heavily political in a state of mind or learning about war and how to defeat the enemy any enemy no matter the numbers.....To even mention this over the internet is a big thing to me. I dont wont to expose my flanks. All I do is read about history and learn about famous battles war in general and empires that never stood the test of time.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

To all you rediculous kobe lovers???????

im a huge lebron james fan, i have been since he came to the nba! he is clearly better than kobe...... but anyway, lets get to the point.... Remember the last game of the cavs celtics series when lebron didnt do that great, and all you retarted kobe fans started sayin "oooooohhhhhh, kobe would never let his team lose a big game!!" but kobe fans, what happened last night??? if it wasnt for gasol and artest bailing that rapist out, they would have lost the game...kobe actually did worse last night than LBJ did in the final game of the celtic cav series.... just face it, LBJ is better than kobe.... THIS OBVIOUSLY ISNT A QUESTION, I JUST WANNA SEE WHAT YOU PEOPLE THINK ABOUT THIS

What to get my mom something for mothers day to make mer smile?

the dvd Mama Mia is still pretty new, and most moms would enjoy that. Give it to her in a cute basket, maybe with some popcorn or spa socks to wear while watching it, or just wrap up the movie in some cute paper, and it will be a nice gift!

Does anybody know anything about charles d. forster, artist/potter from holbrook derby?

all i really know is that i have a plaque of a tram with seaton, in devon as the destination on the front, stamped with his name, in 1993 he was in holbrook, derby, i'd just like to know a bit about him. thanks

How effective are video games at teaching real-world military tactics?

I'm Army Infantry and I do enjoy playing games like Ghost Recon and America's Army. Those games do stick pretty well to the tactics that the military uses. However, there is still so much more that goes into making a soldier. While those games may show a lot of the tactics. It takes a lot to be able to implement them in real life and even more to do so effectively.

How can i avoid the stomach bug?

how can you catch it? krista just started throwing up around 11pm and its 1:50 and she is still vomiting. (she is 5) i really didnt share anything with her, or have close contact with her. i am so scared , i am shaking. i have an extreme fear to vomiting. how can i avoid this? is it possible?

Over whelmed about trying to lose weight.. help.... please?

im 14 and want to lose about 10 pounds so i can wear those hollister shirts without felling self concise about it. ive been to a million websites and tried different things but haven't seen results. im almost ready to quit but also don't want to stay the same way i am. if any body knows an easy way to lose weight please help...THX

Is This True? High School Musical 3: Senior Year (HSM3)?

High School seniors Troy (Efron) and Gabriella (Hudgens) face the prospect of being separated from one another as they head off in different directions to college. Joined by the rest of the Wildcats, they stage an elaborate spring musical reflecting their experiences, hopes and fears about their future.

Explanation for Song of Solomon 8:10?

She's saying that her body is hers to give, and she's giving it to the bridegroom, here apparently explicitly identified as Solomon. It's a love poem.

After missing for how many years are you declared legally dead?

Usually it's not less than seven years but there's not a set time. For instance, if someone falls overboard and you see them disappear under the water but never see their body, they're presumed dead pretty quickly.

Chemistry: pH from Ka?

use the Ka equation to find the concentration of the acid. i would also use an icebox table to find the concentrations of the acid and, A-, and Na+ at equilibrium. then once youve found the concentration of the acid, take the -log of it and thats ph

Which Geography/Geology would be easiest for someone who knows nothing about it between these?

I didn't read any of that. way to long. Geography would be easier. The reason is simple. You can see geography around you everywhere you look. The information has the potential to make immediate sense. Geology on the other hand, delves into things that you may never see in your lifetime. The categories and explanations of things are a bit like biological clifications and rely on time periods or historical events to even begin grasping core concepts.

Scientists Discover New Lifeform with Arsenic in it's DNA?

Because previously we thought that life had to use phosphorous instead. The ability of this organism to utilize arsenic means that life could well have developed in far wider cirstances than first thought, it could lead to engineered organisms that could be used to clear heavy metals in polluted environments etc etc etc. The possibilities are endless.

Is it okay to wear a tunic with leggings ?

i got this tunic i yesterday and i was trying to figure out with should i wear for bottoms. i was thinking leggings but is it too short ?|50456|56309&Fltr=&Srt=&QL=F&IND=34&cmVirtualCat=&CmCatId=50455|50456|56309

How good a parabola are domestic satellite dishes?

I've got an old one (solid) just wondering if I can use it to make something, like a solar cooker or a parabolic microphone?

How to get sharper images form a dslr camera lens - APO - gls - aberration -?

is there anyway to get some sort of filter that increases sharpness in a cheaper lens. i saw that sigma use apo gl that stops color aberration. cant i get a filter that goes ether on the front of a canon lens or on the rear

Does an FHA loan qualify for the first time home buyers tax credit. Please read below for special details...?

My wife and I are moving from PA to NC. I'll be a PhD student with a stipend and she works in health care. We're putting 20% down but we don't qualify for a conventional loan because she doesn't have a job yet. My (yearly) stipend doesn't count in the equation because any income needs to be guaranteed for at lest 3 years. We qualify for an FHA loan by saying that my wife will work in PA until she finds employment in NC and I live at the house in NC to attend school. Because she'd make more money the PA apartment would financially be considered our primary residence. Does this or does this not qualify for the 1st time home buyer tax credit? Please provide a source if you can or explain an answer. Not just yes or no please.

Fat loss starting tomorrow......?

I am starting my fat loss routine tomorrow. I will be doing lots are cardio. I will be doing the workout DVD's I have, and also using the stair stepper that I have. Also, I will be eating better. Doing this, how soon will I start seeing results? Thanks.

I'm curious as to how many of the Russia-haters...?

The Russian people are great...My understanding of the Georgia issue is that they were in the process of invading another country that was a Russian allie and Russia gave them the smack down....Kinda like we did in the 1990s in Iraq....And now they are going to occupy them like we are doing now with Iraq....The difference is that Russia had a reason we did not....

What would you like to see in a runescape client?

u should make the skills easier and make us start out with like 100k so we can be richer when we start at first and not be called noobs

Do you remember these 90's kids' shows?

They are all mostly from the 90s: Powerpuff girls (Cartoon Network), Mr. Rogers (PBS), Speed Racer, Recess (Kids WB), Looney Toons, Dexter's lab (Cartoon Network), Rugrats (Nickelodeon), 2 Stupid Dogs (Cartoon Network), Veggie Tales (not on TV), Pokemon (when it first came out), Authur (PBS), Jonny Bravo (Cartoon Network), Courage Cowardly Dog (Cartoon Network), Angry Beavers (Nick), Goosebumps, Blues Clues (Before Steve went to "college"), Tarzan (Disney movie), Invader Zim, Zaboomafoo (PBS), Hey Arnold (Nickelodeon), Catdog (Nickelodeon), Rockos Modern Life (Nickelodeon), Chalk Zone (Nickelodeon), Rocket Power (Nickelodeon), The Wild Thorberrys (Nickelodeon), Cow and Chicken (Cartoon Network), Samuri Jack (Cartoon Network), Ed Edd and Eddy (Cartoon Network), Tom and Jerry (Cartoon Network), and finally, Scooby Doo (Cartoon Network). It's all a trip down memory road. Tell me if I might have missed anything! :D

Tell me absaloutely everything you know about boston terriers, i have just a few urgent questions!!?

i know you think that youre gonna be playing with this dog all day, but youll get tired of it, trust me

Will my Laptop play Call of Duty: Black Ops nicely?

You should be able to play Call of Duty: Black Ops. That is a decent computer you have and if you can play CoD WAW then you should be able to play the new CoD Black Ops on your computer. I tried it and it worked on mine and I have a worse computer than you. If you are wondering how I got to play CoD Black Ops before it came out .......then I can't tell you lol. Hope this helps with your question!

What can i do to keep my ps3 in good shape?

Don't drop it, hit anything with it, drop anything on it, or anything like that, no physical damage. If it's not meant to do something, don't do it. Don't leave it on very long unless you are playing it, to prevent overheating, then you will want to give it a break after the session. Also don't get liquids or dirt in it or take it apart, because that will void your warranty (if there is any on the PS3, I just know there is on the Xbox 360).

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I have a set of puppets. A king, queen, jester, cop, devil,and a crock. Anybody know what they are?

If I'm remembering correctly, you have the casts of two puppet plays. A king, queen, and jester wherein the king is found quite silly. The cop, devil,and crock are the cast of a morality play. I'm reaching back in my memory well over 60 years and I can't remember the specific titles.

What happened to the 2009?

RNC Pizza Tour featuring Jeb, Mitt & Eric? Why did it end after one stop? I had tickets to the local pizza parlor in my city where they were supposed to perform! Darn it! I wish they would tour again! :(

If Palin was POTUS would Liberals be afraid of the VETO Pen She would USE?

libs are already TERRIFIED of her...that's why they attack her...i think its hilarious...they don't even realize how stupid they look...

How do I deal with my negative step-mother?

My father recently married a woman who seems to be permanently stuck in high school. She throws fits like a 5-year-old, she tattles on me, and whenever I tell her something, she runs and tells my dad, but she takes what I said, and re-words it. Yesterday, I told her that I was going to the bank to take out a 6-month loan of $500 to help build my credit, and use the money to pay off my credit card bills. She told my dad that I was selling my car to a title-loan place for $500. He gave me this lecture, and she just stood there with this superior look on her face the whole time. Her son also lives with us. The boy is 21, and refuses to eat with us, so she makes his plate, and carries his food to him! He lives in the outside guesthouse. It's really sad. I'm just sick of her constant lies, her temper tantrums (today she also started yelling about how I'm never going to graduate college, find a job, and she will be supporting me for the rest of her life. I graduate college at the end of 2011. I currently have almost $2,000 saved up, and am currently looking for an apartment.) Anyway, since I'm stuck with her for a few more months, how can I deal with her negativity?

Why do we bury the dead in the ground?

Yes I do know cremation or tombing is also an option but why are people buried in the ground? Is this a fundamentalist view or a scientific/nature view in which putting them in the ground while cause them to be decomposed back into simple atoms, minerals, and molecules again to create a new life someday? I know in the bible, Jesus was set to rest in a tomb so that wouldn't make sense. It just doesn't make any sense. Is it a norm or a principle? Just crossed my mind.

Whats mike tyson haircut called heres a link?

9/11 an unofficial holiday?

Okay, so 9/11 is considered a day of remembrance, like Veterans Day, VE Day, or VJ Day. It's okay to say 'Happy Veterans Day', but is it okay to say 'Happy 9/11'? I think of 9/11 as more of an unofficial holiday, though a more somber one at that.

Bad first impression and fallen out. What do I do?


Why does my dog's ashes have rocks in it?

just got my dog's cremation back.. wondering why there is a bunch of pebbles and stones in his ashes.

What is my sheppard mixed with?

she is black on her nose,head,back, sides, golden on her chest and black fading to golden on her leges

When is the US release date for Darren Shan, Demonata #8 Wolf Island?

Demonata is a great series. better then the circus du freak series. ive been waiting 3 months for the 8th book in the series to come out. it says in the 7th book that the next one will be out May 2009. does anyone know the exact date? also i hear that its a 10 book series. is that true?

Do police officers have the right to set on the road unmarked in ga?

i have noticed that the law enforcement has been setting in the middle of turn lane and side of road ways with all lights off total black out can they do this or is it a safety issue and entrapment

Hot, sometimes itchy, slightly swollen year-old ear piercing?

I got my earlobes pierced a year ago. A few weeks ago, the right one became itchy, swelled, and the earring would stick to my ear and I'd have to turn it to rip it away from the crust (nasty, I'm aware). It also hurt at times. It was oozing clear goo, and I hear infections have colored goo. So after a week that one cleared up. Now my left one is acting up. It started out oozing clear goo for a day or two, now it's hot, itchy, and painful and it stung when I cleaned it with rubbing alcohol. I'm wearing Lia Sophia earrings, and they say they've got the lowest nickel amounts that exist. What's wrong, and what do I do?

What should I do for my boyfriend?

We'll be dating for a month on the's a sunday. But I wanna do something nice for him but not too showy. I mean its only a month. Any ideas?

Boy problems...not really...sort of....just help >_<?

It’s not an easy question to answer not being able to visualize certain things. Not knowing who either of you are, or how you might react to certain situations. We have different ways to react to affection, some get very shy, and some get aggressive. Some are ertive, and others are not, too many variables really to hazard a guess. My suggestion would be to simply clear the air. First of all, ask yourself what you are truly feeling. To say you don’t know, you’re probably not searching deep enough or don’t really want to face the truth. If you sense something is different, and chances are your instincts are accurate…ask him. Write a letter to him, that gives you time to articulate what you want to say and how to say it, and he can read it with no pressure, or you could find a time when you are together and can talk with no distractions. You might want to write down what you want to say before you speak face to face because it appears to me you‘ll probably be somewhat nervous. Experience taught me this, to say nothing is usually not the best way, there is no closure, and if it matters that much to you and you feel it is effecting your relationship in some way, ignoring it may not be the best solution. As I stated in the beginning, hard to really nail this one without knowing either of you. Hope this helps, good luck.

Tony Soprano has a gay side?

In the sopranos does Tony Soprano have a gay side to him or had a gay fling or something? becuz when vito is outted as a fanook he sort of defends him and protects him... and when he was in dr melfi's office he was defensive about it ya know? he said quite defensively "and no i didnt have to do that **** i was in there for a short time" does anyone know?

Hey i hve scored 78%in 12th n nw i m preparing 4 cpt..looking 4 gud college for wid ca?

there is no college offering with CA........CA is done via correspondence from ICAI, New can check for more info on CA from the following link -

Was I allergic to cats?

You're probably mildly allergic if you were able to breathe after 2 weeks :) If you ever consider getting another cat/kitten you'll probably need to discuss it with a doctor first though to make sure your throat won't close up. Kittens and cats aren't for everyone. Kittens especially go everywhere they're not supposed to, like behind HDTVs where they unplug *everything* and you get to spend hours wondering why your TV doesn't work. It's part of the territory. They also do eat things they shouldn't so if you decide to get one again, you'll have to bear that in mind. For both of those reasons though, most cat owners don't experience anything truly dreadful like an electrified cat or a cat that foolishly swallowed a paper clip (though both can and do happen).

Name of R&B song/artist that says Pretty things over and over?

I'm guessing the name of the song is Pretty things, its on the radio all the time, have no clue what the name of the artist is, (its not rufus wainwright lol), its got an old school vibe..meh, i dont know if anyone can help please

Does anyone know any soccer clubs i can tryout for around the areas of san luis, santa maria, or santa barbara?

hello, my name is Ramiro. I am currently 14 years old, my birthday is october, 7 1995. I am interested in trying out for a competitive team in or around the areas of San Luis, Arroyo Grande, Paso Robles, Santa Maria, Lompoc, Santa Ynez, Santa Barbara, and maybe Ventura and Camarillo. Well, I currently attend Santa Maria High School and yes I played soccer for the school and I was on varsity.

Ever been to butlins?

Any one on here ever had a holiday at butlins with the family? Did you use the baby listening service? Someone walks past the chalet every thirty minutes and if they hear crying a notice goes out in all the function rooms to say baby crying in chalet 201 or whatever, was this neglect? Is this the beginning of the end of good parenting? Is Billy butlin to blame for the "bad "parenting culture in the UK? Lots of questions guys, sure you can manage! Oh and before some decide to slate me, no, I never used the sitting service!

Does anyone knows how to solve a portfolio beta calculation?

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Should I get V-shaped bangs or no? (w/photo)?

you look soo pretty you should stay that way. you look like my friend who moved away last year *sniffles* kay im better now lol

Wht does this mean "Naruto is the child foretold in the prophecy" when jariaya was fighting pein?

When Jiraiya was younger, the great toad sage foretold a prophecy about a child that would bring about a revolution in the ninja world, for the good. Jiraiya came to the conclusion that Naruto must be that child as 1. the toad sage said it was one of Jiraiya's students 2. because Naruto seems to have the ability to make friends no matter how little contact they have had beforehand. He has the ability to change people for the better.

Microsoft DOS?

I am writing a paper on Microsoft DOS. I know how to locate the necessary information but If anyone can give me INTERESTING information about MS-DOS I would be greatful. If you have references for your information that's a plus. Thank you :)

Constellations and finding them?

I need some kind of help finding constellations in the night sky. Maybe someone can get me a website address or something, I mean, I know little dipper and big dipper, but I want to see more because I am SO interested in them all. I live in Virginia by the way, if that helps. I just want to know where to look and what to look out for, for things like Orion or something, I don't know

Cute decorating suggestions?

Someone asked me to design something to paint on a clipboard. I was thinking of the girls name and a flower to paint on there. The girl is 3 years old. What is some cool lettering or ideas to paint on there? Pics would help.

Who is the voice in the beginning of the American McGee's Alice trailer?

Cheshire cat. as for the voice actor its roger L. Jackson. I ume your talking about the claymation trailer right?

Is there a really good way to make Money Online?

I have hundreds of friends and ociates. None of the guys/girls have ever made any money on these on line ventures. If they would have they would be talking about it and I would be in on it…..SCAM

Whats the deference between food poisoning and stomach virus?

And how can you tell witch one you have? My husband has been sick for a few days now with fever, chills, being tired, grumpy. now he has diarrhea. He is thinking it's one of the above how can you tell? Food poisoning is from something you eat the day before so i don't think it's that.He hates the doctors so any ideas? I think it might be from a infection from a tooth but he has no pain, it's way past the nerve and beond. but i ould be wrong..

Monday, August 8, 2011

Kasey kahne said he is staying at evernham...?

that just shows u how good a personality he has and how much he loves his team plus he should stay in the 9 car

My School is not participatin in IMO(International Maths Olympiad), can I write independently or not?

My School is not participatin in IMO(International Maths Olympiad), can I write independently or not? If possible, can I write even NCO.

Is this Mahatma Gandhi's saying true?

It's true only in the sense that no one, including tyrants and murderers, lives forever. However, there are always new ones to replace them.

Is the CFA (Chartered Financial yst) Program worth the time and effort?

I'm mainly asking this to those who have completed it, but if you have a friend or relative that's done it, please respond as well. I have my Series 7 and Series 66 and live in NYC. I'm looking to go the yst route right now instead of Financial Consultant. CFA looks doable and cheap (especially compared to MBA) but please let me know if this is useful to have in the industry right now and how helpful it is getting a job (I quit my last job, moved, and now am looking for employment). Thanks.

I think i fell in love today D:?

So hi everyone, today i was working in the mall and the most beautiful creature on the planet stepped into my line. It was (as cheesy as it sounds) love at first. here is the dilemma. I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THEM other than i know they work in the mall (i think -_-) are BEAUTIFUL. and have the most stunningly purple hair ever. I dont know they're name, age, i dont even know what GENDER they identify as (pretty sure MtF ), its kinda confusing cause she(i think) is a girl and im gay but im pretty sure she was pre op cause no . the more i think about it (and i cant STOP thinking about her) the less i care, its not just like i want , i have legit fallen for them like want to have relationship O. my problem i dont know any etiquette or how to ask them out start a conversation or anything! the last thing i want to do s creep them out but i want, practically NEED to see them ive fallen hard lol WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!!

Who do you think is a better basketball player, Kobe Bryant or Le Bron James, and why?

I would have to say Le Bron James because of his height advantage. He could shoot from the perimeter and dunk the ball on anybody.

Maytag washer leaking from fill hose?

i bought a used washer and dryer on craigslist but the washer is just pouring out water from the fill hose the hose doesn't leak its just coming right out when the washer is turned on. anyway i can fix this problem?

Conservatives: Would you still be up in arms defending Carrie Prejean's freedom of speech if......?

Any pageant judge should be looking for a clear and lucid answer. Not necessarily one that they agree with.

What 'group' did you belong to in high school?

I dont know if i had a group i belonged to. I hung out with a lot of different people, i was cool with almost everyone. if i wasnt in my car smoking cigarettes i was in the parking lot or at the quad, kinda like a courtyard. the black kids chilled up there too but off to the side under a tree. stoners and "ramp rats"(lol what we called them) hung out down at the ramp which is like a service entrance for people working on the school. Cowboys hung out by the welding cl or in the Ornamental Horticulture cles. I didnt spend much time at school my last years, i was always ditching. wish i would of now though.

Complete list of T.S. Eliot's works?

i need as many poems, plays, etc. as he wrote. please help by listing the ones that you know. THANKS

What kind of dressing?

I love the ranch that restraunts use, such as Golden Corral or Saltgr etc. What kind of ranch dressing do they use because it doesn't taste like any of the dressing that you buy at the store. And, where can I buy some?

Does anyone else HATE the TV programme Extreme Makeover Home Edition?

Yep completely agree with you mate. Those presenters are so false pretending to cry as well and as for that bloke Ty. he drives me nuts. Chuck it off.x


Kuroshitsuji is good :) I have lots of anime at home, but try this one first and like the other guy said, Death Note is also a good candidate. I would also suggest you watch jdrama. There are lots of anime-like jdrama out there.

Question about 85 camaro body work?

Ive got an 85 camaro that im working on at the moment. Im not all that worried about what im asking...just curious. As many know...the trunk in the car has the huge hump that the t-top bag sits on. I was wondering if fabrication could be done to the car to take the hump out, basically making it flat like a normal car. How much work would be involved and off the top of ur head how much would u figure the work to cost???....JUST CURIOUS

Could I have a collapsed lung?

Sometimes people with Mitral valve prolapse occasionally can get an infection on the heart valve itself which would cause some problems MVP also causes anxiety, palpitations, headaches and more. It doesn't sound like the Gp is finding the problem, go to a lung specialist, to eliminate any problems with that and reure yourself. Still short of breath speak to your GP about complications that occur sometimes with dental work and Mitral valve prolapse. To stop the irregular heart beat immediately, do the valsalva maneuver. Sit and push down like you are going to the bathroom, the downward pressure on the diaphragm stops the irregular heart beat and restores the regular rhythm. I have it myself, the most I ever had to do the maneuver is twice and I am a ok. Acid reflux can cause shortness of breath that goes away with reduction of the acid, don't eat anything for two hours before bed.One other idea that had occurred to me, did you have an infection in your wisdom teeth at all. Maybe there is residual infection in the bone of your jaw.. A collapsed lung would not expand, a lung specialist would be your best bet. There are other tests besides an x-ray that are better for diagnosing lung problems.

My period is late again could I be pregnant?

The last time I was late it stared the 6th of feb 2010 and didn't get it till the 22nd of april I thought I was pregnant. Now its June 3rd and no period since the 22nd of April could I be pregnant? I feel from time to time some cramps or a bit of abdominal pain but no period. my boyfriend and I used with-drawl as bc I know its not a good bc. Any suggestions besides telling me to go to the doc or take a hpt?

People who know about cars... Which of these cars are the best buys all around? value/reliability/etc...?

Those are a pretty wide choice of cars. You have a 2 seat sports car, full size sedan, compact sedan, midsize sedan, and another compact sedan. Once I figured out which one fit my needs I'd find one that was properly taken care of.

HELP! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I recently ordered 3 crayfish and I have a question. Instead of putting a filter and air pump in the tank can I just put bottled water and I rock so they can climb on top for oxygen? THANKS!

What do women really want?

What? Theres really that much information from these 'forums' , as you call them? Someones been copying and pasting subcontracted posts again eh?

Do you like this MENS Ring as a gift idea ??

I guess it depends on the style of the person you're buying it for. I personally think it's kind of over the top. I wouldn't wear it. But that doesn't mean it's horrible. Just unique. ;-)

How do I fake sick for school tomorro?

this ones good..........tell ur mom in the morning have a migraine be sensitive to light and sound and u can add in sore throat if u want then go to school and whenever ur ready go tell ur teach in a qiut shaky voice tell her u have a migraine if u told ur mom sore throat say that 2 tell the nurse the same and when she asks u if u want me to call someone say min qiut shaky voice yes.............then ur home kick back relax and be glad ur not at school lol

appeal of martial arts.?

Just something I'm curious about. Being a martial artist I've had many reactions some consider martial artists as weirdo's some can't help making Bruce lee noises or playfight when they hear you do martial arts, but how do you all feel when you know that some one does martial art. Do you find it y or comforting to know that your significant other can break cinder blocks with his bear hands or shatter baseball bats with their legs. does it scare you to know this as you see them as loaded weapons. do you think it odd that people can devote a good part of their lives to escaping a life threatening situation. Reactions people reactions. oh and for the martial artists amongst you what's the weirdest response you ever got on your "coming out"